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Access Your Best Business Asset:



When self-doubt is really loud, it means the fearful part of you is in charge. 

Together we can help this part of you feel safe and access your BEST Business Asset - Your Own Self Belief!

I am thrilled to share with you my exciting Self Doubt to Self Belief program to fully support your integration of success on your journey with your business.  For any sustainable transformation, whilst strategy is essential in setting up and holding your vision, there are two other important parts to your success - your mindset and your energy and so are you fully supported in yours?


Success ultimately takes courage and, when aspiring to make bold moves on your goals and dreams, with courage comes fear.   When this feels scary, the mindset plays an important role and can allow the overwhelm to take over and distract you when attempting your next move in your business - suddenly finding yourself scrolling on social media, checking your emails, noticing there is cleaning and laundry to be done or mindlessly eating and before know you it, hours have gone by and that task hasn't been done.


Then we have the energy part! 


As humans, our physical bodies vibrate at fluctuating frequencies.  Mind and body are connected (there is much evidence to support this), every part of your system is intertwined.  Your nervous system is at the helm and will dictate if you are in the ‘fight or flight’ hyper state (a triggered reaction-mode) or in a  balanced state of homeostasis (clarity and wisdom).  When working towards your goals and self doubt is activated, this can result in spinning in worry, fear, doubt, shame, and other negative emotions.  This lowers your frequency by triggering your nervous system and “inner protector” leading to feelings of being unsafe which makes it very difficult for you to match the frequency of what you want to attract into your life.  


For example, you may have already experienced achieving certain goals, however, after the initial high your brain will often recalibrate and settle back into its usual pattern which is years and years of collective thoughts, continually filtered through opinions, beliefs and more…


When it comes to self doubt, you have sentences in your brain that you need to start unwinding and understanding.  Many of us never question our own thinking because we are so ingrained in our own beliefs.  It is important to get underneath the self doubt, to neutralize and dissolve the emotional energy at a cellular level and grow your best business asset -  YOUR SELF BELIEF!


Whatever area you are stuck in, you can let go of the unconscious resistance that you are holding and live more freely as you truly are meant to.  If you are struggling in an area of life, there will be genuine reasons why and it is NOT because you are not trying, it's NOT because you don't have the resources or enough time.  Your ‘inner protector’ is safeguarding you from common risks such as rejection, conflict, disappointment, judgment, failure, and even success itself! 

There Is Already An Increasing Cost To You NOT Reaching Your Goals That Gets Worse Everyday Emotionally And Financially!
Self Doubt To Self Belief Program

Are you ready to find out what is on the other side of self doubt?  

If you are:

  • Worried or anxious about having to give up and go back to a 9-5. 

  • Feel you have to hold back from sharing your ideas and what you really want to say.

  • Spending more time worrying about what others will think.

  • Feeling undervalued, constantly tired or resentful.

  • When challenges arise you think to yourself  ‘whats the point’!

  • Putting off doing important tasks,feeling overwhelmed, scared or resentful leading to distracting yourself and doing other mindless or unimportant things.

  • Wondering why affirmations, positive thinking and manifesting aren't working.

  • Thinking you should have everything figured out by now and constantly asking yourself ‘why aren't I further forward than this!’

  • Wondering why you know what you need to do but are just NOT doing it.

  • Seeing other successful women and wondering how they have figured it out, leaving you feeling more resentful or inadequate and comparing yourself.

You Are Not Alone, The Journey To Your Success Doesnt Have To Be Hard Or Painful...

It's OK!

Most of us have been there at some point... and yes including myself, that is why I created the 1:1 Reset  Program: Your tailored 3 month road map that provides you the solution to reclaim your inner power and transform your life!

Don't just take my word for it...
Here are some of my Client's Words!
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I saw Donna in May 22 after suffering from depression and anxiety. I had tried numerous Councillor's without results and almost thought this isn't the route for me. I thought I'd give it once last try and booked a few sessions with Donna while at I was on a well-being retreat in Spain.
From the first session there was an automatic click. She genuinely understood where I was at and pin pointed where I need to focus my energy. We went through different methods which I had tried in the past without results. I must admit I didn't think the exercises would work but to my surprise it worked and felt great benefits, almost spiritual which is something didn't think was possible. Following the success of the first session I blocked booked session every day throughout my 5 day retreat. I returned to the uk feeling revitalised and with a confidence I never knew I had. I couldn't recommend Donna more highly. Especially
for those who lack self belief / motivation and suffer from anxiety.


Name withheld for confidentiality

self doubt to self belief - what to expect:

It isn’t until you explore what self-doubt is trying to protect you from and why this feels risky, that you can open up to the compassionate work of healing the root causes of your self-doubt.  If you are a female in business, then this is the place for you.  Together we will dig under every self limiting thought, trigger, belief and story affecting you, dissolving and neutralising  the emotional energy attached to it permanently and bring your energy back so that you can take action and move forward from a space of neutrality with every single step required  - free of fear, apprehension, worry, anxiety or judgment.

You will also walk away knowing:-


  • How and why your brain makes up stories to keep you safe.

  • What the self doubt cycle is and how to break it.

  • How Self doubt affects your nervous system and why it feels ‘unsafe’. 

  • Why it is important to address the beliefs at the foundational root level.

  • How to create coherence on both levels of the mind.

  • How to permanently remove all emotional charge from every program, belief, judgment and perception. 

  • The most powerful tools to collapse, neutralise and dissolve whatever has been keeping your nervous system in the fight or flight state.

  • How to tap into more energy, wisdom and clarity.

  • How to manage stress and how to feel better.

  • Where attention goes - energy flows and how unconsciously and innocently your mind takes you back to the past, where there is still emotional charge WILL deplete and drain your energy and resources.  

  • How to integrate new empowering beliefs to your subconscious for your success and self belief! 

Its Not About NOT Having Emotions. As Humans We Are Supposed To Experience Emotions However You Want To Be In Control Of Your Life!

Why am I feeling so frustrated?

What am I thinking?

Every limitation, block and barrier you experience is produced by a limiting belief inside of you!

Why am I not
taking the necessary
action right now?

Why am I not reaching my goals!!!!!

Now, i'd imagine you have some questions!

How Does It Work?


We only want to work with women who have a strong desire for change, who are ready to commit to doing the work and are ready to implement the strategies required for tangible results.  

Your individual sessions are tailored to you.  There are additional bite sized videos,  audio recordings and ‘do-able’ exercises that can be incorporated into your daily rituals to accelerate your progress and help you understand how your brain is wired for self doubt (your inbuilt safety mechanism).


How much time do I need? 


Whilst we value your time and you no doubt have a very busy schedule, we would like you to think of the group as a gym membership for your mind.  What you put in, you get out. 

The duration of your weekly one-to-one session will be an hour.  We encourage you to do the daily exercises and journaling which should take no longer than 10 minutes each day and there are optional exercises to re calibrate your nervous system when required.  There is also a monthly coaching call (that will be recorded if you cannot attend live) which will be on a related topic with the opportunity to jump into the "Hot Seat" for some emotional clearing to clear any triggers or stuff getting in the way (without going too deep), Everyone on the call will benefit from those who step in to receive.


Will this work for me?


Absolutely. Every single thought, belief, judgment and perception you neutralise and dissolve will immediately impact your nervous system, digestive system and immune system by resetting and re balancing physically, emotionally and mentally, resulting in more harmony in your body as you shift your chemistry.


Are there any bonuses?


Yes there are.  I want you to be fully equipped with all of the knowledge, guidance and awareness that collectively will set you up for positive and profound changes like nothing you have experienced before.  This will include:


  • Digitally writable workbooks.  You are encouraged to frequently do ‘thought downloads’ to break the cycle of what is running loose in your mind and neutralise what is triggering you and holding you back in self doubt.


  • Guided breathing ‘future you’ meditations ~  To facilitate change, visualization and stepping into the future version of you is a powerful tool I use with my clients and myself to gain clarity and insight from the version of you that is waiting to meet you that already holds rock solid self belief! 


  • Your own toolbox of techniques ~  A variation of anti stress tools to collapse anxiety and stress. Rebalance your nervous system in as little as 90 seconds when needed!


  • Guided breathing audios ~ To support and enhance your nervous system by clearing common triggers that keep you stuck in the fight or flight state.


  • Your Women & Wellness RESET Facebook Group: Accountability and mutual support where you can ask questions or celebrate wins and have a shoulder to lean on when you need it.


  • Whatsapp Support I will be on hand for you between sessions to answer any questions.


  • VIP Events & Retreats:  Invitation to exclusive VIP events for intensive coaching, healing and rejuvenation at my home and healing space in Spain with the option of overnight stay and transfers included from Alicante Airport, as well as discounted invitations to day retreats run throughout the summer months.



Whatever area in life you feel stuck and held back, this really is a wonderful opportunity to achieve a more peaceful brain state and step into the version of you that holds rock solid self belief. The more you neutralise and dissolve what is firing off the stress chemicals, the more you reside in a state of well-being, peace and calm which is a more powerful productive place to  move forward with your business.


What's the investment?


To get started on your RESET wellness journey, it has never been as easy.  3 months support and one to one with group coaching is just €1111.


To secure your spot we have a super time-sensitive offer of only €92.59 every week if you opt for the pay as you go option.  There are only 5 spots available and prices will increase in the next intake.  A small price to pay to enrich your life in the most powerful, profound ways rooted in self belief, self-trust and self-worth.  Upon enrollment, we can arrange your complimentary ‘on-boarding call’ to discuss your specific goals and desires. 


There is a seat here waiting for you... Are you in?





Donna xx

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