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donna jenkinson

certified stress management &
transformation mindset coach

Guest Contact Information


Date of Birth


Mobile No.

Emergency Contact
Name & No.

Do you have any food allergies / intolerances / special dietary requirements?

Do you have any injuries / conditions / allergies that affect your ability to exercise?

List your top 3 things you would like to achieve from the Camp Reset Retreat:




In order for us to accurately collect data for advertising purposes - Please tell us how you heard about this retreat?

Tick the one that applies:-

Client Agreement

I accept full and complete responsibility for my own ability to participate in the retreat activities. I understand that participation and the use of equipment are at my own risk.


Fee - The amount payable to Camp Reset Retreat per person is €97.00.


Deposit - A deposit payment of €40.00 is required at the time of booking to reserve your place at the retreat.


Balance - Due no later than 1 week before date of the retreat.

Smoking Policy - Smoking is not permitted in any indoor area of the retreat.

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