RESET Coaching Program |
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Women Centred Wellness Membership Program

Step into a realm of affordable transformational change that will redefine your life in ways you've never imagined.  A unique blend of neuroscience, psychology, energy psychology, and spirituality designed to empower you, inspire you, and guide you towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

I guarantee you that for any  sustainable transformation, a change of mindset is paramount for success.  Our mental health IS the most important thing we can spend our time and money on.  Without our mental health, we are not able to create the life of our dreams.


After the initial high of achieving any goal, our brain often recalibrates and settles back into its usual thought patterns which is years and years of collective thoughts continually filtered through opinions, experiences and more ...


We have sentences in our brain that we need to start unwinding and understanding in order to think how we want to about ourselves.  So many of us never question our own thinking because we are so ingrained in our own beliefs. To believe things that feel good and serve us is our natural birthright. 

Women Centred Wellness 

                                                                      covers a range of areas where we are faced with life's daily challenges.  If you are struggling in an area of life, there are genuine reasons why and it is NOT because you are not trying, it's NOT because you don't have the resources or enough time - it IS because what you BELIEVE is blocking you from creating what you want.

It Takes Time To Unwind & Unpack The Decades Of Beliefs

In order to be the change we want to be ~ we have to do something different.

Reset/Rewire Your Brain


Your Area's

of Personal Development

Time Management

Outcomes & Goal Setting

Weight Management

Unhealthy Addictions and urges

Anxiety & Depression


When you consider your desires - where do you want to be?


What does your relationship with money ~ health ~ body ~ relationships look like?


Inside My Unique Women Centred Wellness RESET Program:

Access to the Evergreen RESET Program and Training Videos.

Do-able worksheets to complete with each topic.


Weekly Live Coaching Calls for EACH topic and emotional clearing of triggers.


Different topics within Women & Wellness  - covering rewiring your brain, weight management, urges and cravings, hormones, over drinking, self sabotage, self love,  future you, goals and success plan, confidence, anxiety and depression.

Private Community and Peer Support.

Q&A support

Membership Starting Price £11.11 Per Month!

enrol now

My motivation to do what I do:

I do this for this beautiful one! A young girl who grew up with zero confidence or belief about who she was.  A young girl who was ridiculed, mocked and shamed all the way through her school years because of where she grew up, the clothes she wore and labelled unclean due to the 'shit stain' birthmark on her leg that was a constant focus and source of entertainment for others.

Not surprisingly this would set the scene for a lifetime of not feeling good enough because of her appearance and where she was from.

The consequences of these childhood events and conditioning leaked into every area of her life as a cycle of failure, shame, insecurity, fear and rejection that eventually manifested into severe and impacting gut /digestive problems well into her adult life as a result of all of the stress, anticipation and fear of what to expect each day however she:


Understands the way we operate.

Understands how she still viewed her life through the lens of her old belief system formed in the first seven years of life!

Understood and learned how to tweak her internal system.

Learned of the possibilities that ARE all around us.

Does the ongoing thought work and finds the 'thoughts not in alignment or congruent' with what she actually wants to accomplish.

Takes charge of her own brain instead of it been in charge of her!

Rewires her brain to change the neural synaptic connections to start to perceive reality completely different.

Learned to take action from a more empowered state.

BECOME a completely different person.

Produces different results in order to become LIMITLESS…

Whatever this little one had gone through in life, and by far nothing in comparison to what many others have, what she experienced and made it mean about herself,  she made it mean things from a limited sense of herself well into her mid forties.   She now understands as real as it felt - none of it is real - it is all made up.


Do not underestimate the beliefs you carry that are responsible for whatever in your life is not working right now.

Metaphorically she has completed her own heroes journey, completed the cycle and while intellectually understands it - now lives it every single day.  Her passion and drive is to see the greatness in every single woman and serve them in tapping into their greatness.  To help as many women as possible transform their lives, to understand and eliminate the emotional & psychological thought processes that has fed their mind in sabotaging their self esteem, self worth in any and all areas of life.  No women is broken, nor needs fixing.  This one finally reclaimed her' second chance in life' and so should you...


This is what motivates me.

"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional!"

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